xoves, 21 de novembro de 2013

My week in my room in Barcelona

Caio no pecado da morriña demasiado facilmente. Fíxome nos bares con nomes galegos, hai moitos aquí.  Ontes puxen Radio Galicia en internet. Estaban dando as esquelas de Santiago. Morreu unha señora en Bornais. Debaixo da miña casa hai un bar chamado "Ria de Viveiro". Está rexentado por unha familia de chinos.

Creo que Neil Hilborn sobreactúa o tema das enfermedades mentales: transtorno bipolar, T.O.C... algún día acabaránselle. De momento faino ben, eso sí.
Non me acaba de caer ben, Neil Hilborn. Creo que "O.C.D" é un canto ó egoismo do home encerrado en sí mesmo que busca unha moza que o complete e o manteña con vida. É bonito, aínda así, para poñelo en sesión doble con "The type"; claro que ése ten cinco millóns menos de visitas.

Por moito que me guste a idea, creo que o formato dos panel shows non pode ser importado a España. Non imaxino a Leo Harlem e Anabel Alonso tendo esta conversa:
"- There's this quote by Albert Camus, the miserable French writer, philosopher, pipe smoker...
- Goalkeeper...
- Goalkeeper! That's what I was looking for! And he says that: "in the depths of winter, I realised that within myself there was an invincible summer". And it's so awesome! But it's also meaningless, 'cause that's not true, it was still winter 'til the middle of June. But it's beautiful, isn't it?
- I worry sometimes I've got a drizzly autumn inside...
- I'm just like a Russian doll of winter. Open me up and there's more and more ice, coldness and despair."

Escoiteille esto a Neil Gaiman entontes, na miña cabeza:
Dogs are great. You can write with a dog in the room, 'cause if you write with a dog in the room they look up at you and they go: "I bet you're writing something brilliant. I wish I could read, 'cause I'd read the thing you're writing and it's brilliant"
Cats actually do come up. And they look at the screen. And then they walk away and you know they're thinking "Why would you use a semicolon there?
They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college."

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